

网友 阿里云 说:

装了个宝塔,苹果cms v10自带的采集。。。。

  1. with this letter we would like to inform you, that o** internal monito**ng identified a po**ible sec**ity threat to o** infrustruct**e c**sed by yo** ****** with the contract ID *******. This threat is made up of dist**buted computing / mining p**ce**es running on this ******.
  2. According to o** general terms and conditions §9 paragraph 4, which you accepted on concluding the contract, we had to deactivate yo** ****** tempora**ly to ens**e the availability of o** infrastruct**e.
  3. Please contact o** support team via ticket to get yo** ****** reactivated, identify the c**se of the threat and backup yo** personal data. Alternatively, you may also reinstall yo** ****** to reactivate it immediately.
  4. Please be aware, that a reinstallation leads to a complete lo** of the data on yo** ******. Be also aware that, if we find yo** ****** consistently involved in threats of this kind, we will reserve us the **ght to permanently deactivate yo** ******. The only po**ibility to unlock is is then th**ugh a complete reinstallation.
  5. If you got any f**ther *uestions regarding this topic, o** support team at support@we****pia.com will be glad to a**ist you in clea**ng these out.
  6. Best regards

网友 920c 说:


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