
[整理ing] RN RackNerd VPS活动促销特价+流量翻倍+机房+邮箱/push

网友 心上人 说:

*帖最后由 心上人 于 2023-11-2 10:42 编辑

23.09.20 洛杉矶DC02将在10月1号~11月15号分批次更换IP(仅洛杉矶DC02机房,仅更换IPv4)详见21楼
23.09.26 3款AMD VPS套餐限时回归 详见22楼
23.11.02 双11套餐推出,详见26楼。同时已加入汇总方便比价。

RN 目前所有在售特价套餐整理汇总
网友 心上人 说:

*帖最后由 心上人 于 2023-10-18 22:58 编辑

网友 心上人 说:

*帖最后由 心上人 于 2023-8-3 22:39 编辑

更新:23.08庆祝**斯特拉斯堡机房上线推出促销套餐(标识 ST)

斯特拉斯堡机房 **贴:https://hostloc.com/thread-1193**8-1-1.html

网友 心上人 说:

*帖最后由 心上人 于 2023-10-17 00:25 编辑

[闪购活动回归] RN RackNerd VPS 3款AMD 高性能VPS限时72小时促销
网友 flypei 说:


网友 谷歌浏览器 说:


网友 他是传说 说:

网友 高圆圆 说:


网友 ftlh2005 说:


网友 akb47 说:


网友 心上人 说:

谢谢 danielyi 的**。

网友 鬼手佛心 说:


网友 yoki_ 说:

mark一下  现在还能翻倍嘛

网友 xulele 说:

真高质量aff 帮顶

网友 心上人 说:

*帖最后由 心上人 于 2023-8-3 22:39 编辑

更新:23.08庆祝**斯特拉斯堡机房上线推出促销套餐(标识 ST)

斯特拉斯堡机房 **贴:https://hostloc.com/thread-1193**8-1-1.html

网友 心上人 说:

*帖最后由 心上人 于 2023-8-20 13:21 编辑


回归3款洛杉矶DC-02 VPS限时72小时促销
(72小时限时,即:北京时间 8月17号0点~19号23:59)

1G / 1C / 20G SSD / 3T   $14.89/年 专DC2

2G / 2C / 35G SSD / 5T   $22.49/年 专DC2

3G / 3C / 55G SSD / 8T   $31.49/年 专DC2

洛杉矶DC02机房****地址: https://lg-lax02.racknerd.com/


网友 flypei 说:


网友 害人的妖怪 说:


网友 wottor 说:


网友 FAD 说:


网友 心上人 说:

FAD 发表于 2023-8-28 01:01
网友 心上人 说:


网友 ebak 说:


网友 心上人 说:

*帖最后由 心上人 于 2023-9-20 23:46 编辑

We are reaching out to update you on an important IPv4-related change happening at o** Los Angeles DC-02 location, which based on o** records, one or **** of yo** VPS *******s are c**rently hosted. If you have multiple *******s with us, please be aware that this only impacts KVM VPS *******s hosted out of o** Los Angeles DC-02 location. All other datacenter locations of o**s remain unaffected. To cla**fy, this change will only affect yo** IPv4 addre**; yo** data will remain intact, and entirely unaffected. IPv6 addre**es also will not be changed.

O** upstream p**vider in Los Angeles DC-02 (Multacom) has initiated an IPv4 ne**ork renumbe**ng p**ject — a change that is set to impact all downstream clients, including RackNerd. The renumbe**ng p**ce** is pivotal for ali**ing with the long-term vision and expansion plans of the Multacom datacenter, which is now part of the EdgeCentres family.

Please note, that you will not expe**ence any p**ce changes, and additionally, we understand that o** Los Angeles DC-02 location continues to expe**ence remarkable popula**ty, notably among users in the US west coast, Oceania, and Asia. The top-tier ne**ork performance at o** Los Angeles DC-02 location will continue as you have come to expect.

To give you a clearer pict**e, we operate over 500 hypervisors (also known as host nodes) at this specific location. To ens**e a **ooth transition, we’ll **ll out this update in a struct**ed and phased manner. Here’s a breakdown of the scheduled IP migrations:

The IP renumbe**ng will be conducted in the following batches:

Node names beginning with LAXSSD1* to LAXSSD3* — Oct 1 to Oct 15, 2023
Node names beginning with LAXSSD4* to LAXSSD6* — Oct 15 to Oct 31, 2023
Node names beginning with LAXSSD7* to LAXSSD9* — Nov 1 to Nov 15, 2023
Node names beginning with LAX0* — Nov 1 to Nov 15, 2023
How do you know what node yo** VPS is on? Log into the SolusVM cont**l panel located at https://nerdvm.racknerd.com/ and click on &*uot;Ma****&*uot; on the VPS in *uestion. Once you do, you’ll see a table column for &*uot;Node&*uot;. Here’s a video tuto**al on how to do so.

The renumbe**ng p**ce** will be **tomated but closely monitored by o** Enginee**ng team. You can expect to receive an email with the subject line &*uot;[RackNerd] New IP Addre** A**i**ed&*uot; once the p**ce** is completed for yo** VPS. This email will include yo** newly a**i**ed IP addre** details. Alternatively, you can sporadically check SolusVM d**ing the respective timeframe; if you notice an IP change, you’ll find the new information there. Given the sheer volume of the VMs involved, this is a sizable operation and will be ******atically car**ed out over multiple weeks. After the new IP is a**i**ed, we will **tomatically utilize the &*uot;Reconfig**e Ne**ork&*uot; feat**e by SolusVM to **tomatically update yo** ******’s operating ****** ne**ork config**ation over to the new IP addre**. All said and done, there should be le** than a few minutes of downtime per VM.

Just to be clear, this is only an IP addre** change – and yo** data/settings/etc will remain fully intact.

We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience, and we are *uite confident that the long-term benefits will make it worthwhile. Once the Multacom datacenter is fully integrated with the EdgeCentres ne**ork, we’re excited to tap into their extensive capabilities and va**ous points of presence. For context, you may have seen that o** LA DC-02 location has fre*uently been out of stock over the past year. This has been largely due to constraints at the Multacom datacenter, especially when it comes to available ***** and limited facility power, which have been limiting o** ability to g**w. Now that Multacom is becoming a part of EdgeCentres, we’re optimistic these **adblocks will be cleared. This paves the way not just for o** g**wth at LA DC-02, but also for expanding into new datacenter locations with EdgeCentres, which in t**n means **** locations for o** customers to deploy *******s out of.

Yo** continued trust in RackNerd is highly appreciated, and o** team stands ready to a**ist you with any *uestions you may have th**ugh this transition. If you have any special re*uests or re*uire uni*ue accommodations related to this change, please respond to this email within 7 days (the sooner, the better). We will do o** utmost to understand yo** re*uirements and st**ve to accommodate them to the best of o** ability.

Thank you for yo** understanding, cooperation, and continued partnership with us. Should you have any *uestions or concerns regarding this, please e-mail o** Enginee**ng team directly at: enginee**ng@racknerd.com


O** Los Angeles DC-02 facility continues to see sustained high demand, particularly f**m users ac**** the US west coast, Oceania, and Asia. This location operates out of the Multacom datacenter (o** upstream p**vider) located at 707 Wilshire Blvd., which is now part of the EdgeCentres family.

Since Multacom joining the EdgeCentres family of brands, my team and I have had s***ral in-depth discu**ions with EdgeCentres ma****ment, both virtually and in person, in Downtown LA. We’re *uite optimistic about their long-term strate** and their aggre**ive expansion initiatives. We beli*** that in the long run, these d***lopments will translate into benefits for you, o** end users, and will also pave the way for us to tap into new ******s in the foreseeable fut**e.

O** clients and p**spective clients may have noticed that o** Los Angeles DC-02 inventory has fre*uently been sold out th**ughout the past year. The reason behind this has been Multacom’s limitations in terms of facility ***** and power capabilities to support o** rapid g**wth. Now, with Multacom becoming a part of EdgeCentres, these bottlenecks are expected to be addre**ed, allowing us to not only continue o** expansion but also to maintain **** consistent inventory availability in this popular location.

An element of o** upstream p**vider (Multacom’s) integration into EdgeCentres is the renumbe**ng of IPv4 addre**es and the consolidation of **aller IPv4 CIDR blocks that were holding up entire /24’s. Given the ne**ork’s scale, the IPv4 renumbe**ng p**ject will be implemented in multiple phases. While this does c**se a minor inconvenience in the short term for all downstream clients of Multacom (including us and thus o** end-users), we are confident that the long term benefits will ou**eigh the short-term challenges.

I want to be completely transparent about the int**cacy of this renumbe**ng p**ce**. We’re talking about managing **** than 500 physical host nodes in just this location, not to mention the countle** individual virtual machines that reside here. O** team is ze**ed in on trying to make this as seamle** as po**ible for o** customers.

To **** ease the transition, we’re incorporating the followin***eas**es:

Automated Reconfig**ation: Once yo** new IP(s) have been a**i**ed, we will **tomatically attempt to &*uot;reconfig**e ne**ork&*uot; via SolusVM for yo** VPS, meanin***ost of you won’t have to manually adjust any ne**ork settings within yo** OS l***l, unle** you’re on a custom OS.

Personalized Email Notifications: Instead of simply telling o** customers to refer to SolusVM to know their new IP, we’ll send out individual emails with the new IP addre** for yo** VPS. This adds an extra layer of convenience for you.

Clear Documentation: The email notification will also include the old IP addre** for easy reference, ****** the transition transparent.

Consistent IP Count for Multi-IP Customers: If you have multiple IPv4 addre**es a**i**ed to yo** VPS, there’s no need to worry about any count-discrepancies d**ing the transition. We’ll a**e** the number of IPs c**rently allocated to yo** VM and ens**e that yo***eceive an e*uivalent number of new replacement IPs. This way, you won’t have to go th**ugh the ha**le of re*uesting additional IPs post-renumbe**ng.

Billing ****** Updates: We’ll update yo** ******* records in o** billing/support ****** (WHM**) with the new IP(s) to eliminate any confusion when managing yo** *******s or seeking support.

Minimal Downtime: All said and done, we are talking about under 2 minutes of downtime on average per VM.

This change will not result in any p**cing changes to o** clients. RackNerd remains steadfast in o** mi**ion to p**vide unparalleled reliability and top-notch *******. Additionally, for those c**ious if there will be any ne**ork car**er related changes – the good news is that you can expect the same **bust ne**ork performance (Multacom’s B** blend) in this location to remain the same.

Once we c**** this b**dge, we look forward to new ho**zons (additional datacenter locations and **** consistent inventory availability in Los Angeles DC-02).

We greatly value yo** ongoing support and the trust you’ve placed in RackNerd as yo** p**vider. Feel free to reach out if anyone has any *uestions!

网友 心上人 说:

*帖最后由 心上人 于 2023-10-17 00:25 编辑

[闪购活动回归] RN RackNerd VPS 3款AMD 高性能VPS限时72小时促销
网友 独存 说:


网友 心上人 说:

9月份的 3款AMD VPS套餐限时72小时回归的套餐(2款是去年黑五的闪购套餐),现下单入口还未关。

网友 心上人 说:


网友 心上人 说:


1G / 1C / 12G SSD / 2T   $11/年 (23双11)

2G / 1C / 20G SSD / 4T   $17.55/年 (23双11) 含DC2

3G / 2C / 35G SSD / 5T   $28.31/年 (23双11) 含DC2

4G / 3C / 45G SSD / 6T   $38.77/年 (23双11) 含DC2


网友 大约在冬季 说:


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